zondag 22 februari 2015

Fandom blog

Hi there people on the internet. Welcome to the new fandom blog where I will post facts about books, movies, news about the fandoms and other stuff. If you have questions about fandoms, comment in the section below :)

Alright, let's get started. Today's topic is about: characters in books left out in the movies.

We know when we know a book by heart and then we watch the movie you feel like that there are people missing.
Like in Lord Of The Rings, where is Tom Bombadil with Goldberry? And in The Mortal Instruments, where is Raphael? Producers can leave characters out for the storyline, when you don't read the book you can't know who is missing. But even though characters are left out in the movies, they can turn the movie in something great.

That was it for today, tomorrow I'll post again. Untill then everyone!

~ Lilahnee

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